In this lesson pupils consider what being healthy means and who plays a role in keeping the population healthy.
The coronavirus pandemic is given as an example of populations taking shared responsibility for their health.
Pupils are asked to discuss the types of measures that were taken by themselves as well as those in positions of authority. The lesson concludes with a homework challenge asking pupils to contribute something to improve the health of their classmates.
More Lessons resources
Conflict: Part 1 – Reacting to Conflict
In this lesson pupils will take part in discussions relating to situations of conflict. Pupils will consider actions which provoke conflict and actions which can help to calm conflict. They…
Martin Luther King: Sacrificing All for the Dream
This lesson looks at discrimination against African Americans in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement and how Martin Luther King achieved change through peaceful…
An Introduction to Human Rights
In this lesson students will explore our rights and responsibilities and how they are protected in law. They are...
More Community resources
Design a Community Centre
In this lesson pupils will consider the varying needs and interests of a range of fictional characters and design a community centre and activity programme that matches their requirements. …
Understanding Cancer
Many children in classrooms all around the country are dealing with cancer in one way or another at any given time. This lesson seeks to answer some of their questions…
Plastic Pollution (KS2)
Find out more about the impact of plastic on our oceans. Watch this introductory video and use our free...
More Health and Wellbeing resources
Making a Difference From Home
Our packs support KS2 and KS3 pupils to plan and deliver their very own mini social action project. By...
Preparing for the Future
In this assembly pupils consider the benefits of preparing for events in the future. To identify events we can prepare for and the helpful actions we can take in advance.…
Cyberbullying (SmartLaw Subscription)
According to research by the charity Ditch the Label, 7 in 10 young people have experienced cyberbullying, 20% of whom experience it daily. Support your students to know their legal…
More KS2 (ages 7-11) resources
Inspirational People – Nelson Mandela
This assembly is an introduction to the life and work of Nelson Mandela. You may like to run it in conjunction with the lesson ‘Inspirational People.’ To access this content,…
Conflicting Rights
In this lesson pupils will revisit their knowledge of human rights to consider situations in which people’s rights may appear in conflict with one another. Pupils will debate how they…
Inspirational People
In this lesson pupils will learn about what it means to be inspirational. They will develop their understanding of the term through looking at real life examples in the media.…