In this lesson pupils will consider the multiple uses of technology and how technology can be used to solve problems.
Pupils will be introduced to the example of Trevor Baylis, the inventor of the wind-up radio, who was inspired to help those in the developing world who could not afford communication technology. Inspired by Baylis, pupils will have an opportunity to design and build a model which will help a member of their school.
Pupils will also reflect on how inequalities can arise when some people have access to technologies and others do not. They will look at the example of the charity One Laptop Per Child and be encouraged to run a technology intervention with younger pupils at their school.
More Lessons resources
Exploring Our Community
In this lesson pupils will research what is meant by the word ‘community’. Pupils will think about who lives in their area and what services and facilities there are for…
Taking Responsibility
This lesson is based around the clever traditional poem about four children named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. It introduces children to the idea of taking responsibility in the context…
More Community resources
We Stand up for Others (poster)
We are always willing to help others and to speak up for people who struggle to make their voices heard. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.
Taking Responsibility (assembly)
During this assembly pupils consider what the word responsibility means. You can find the ‘Taking responsibility’ lesson plan on the KS1 lesson page. The PowerPoint for the lesson is the…
All at Sea: a story about fairness and the rule of law
During this lesson pupils use the story ‘All at Sea’ to explore how a group of citizens should organise a new society under a challenging set of circumstances. Each chapter…
More Digital Citizenship resources
Fake News: The Evolution of Media
In this lesson, students explore how media has changed since the 1900s and the impact this has had on...
What is Media Bias?
During this lesson students explore what bias within the media is and how it differs from fake news. They...
Who Owns Your Data?
This ready-to-teach double lesson pack is aimed at students in key stages 4 and 5. During the course of...
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Mock Parliament Debate
Aimed at students in KS4 and 5 (13-18 year olds) the pack is designed to be delivered over a...
In this lesson pupils will develop an understanding of what is meant by the term ‘identity.’ They will explore their own sense of identity and share this with others, appreciating…
World Female Ranger Day (KS1 Assembly)
During this assembly pupils will learn about World Female Ranger Day. Pupils will explore where the continent of Africa is and learn about its unique wildlife, and why it needs…
More Social Action/Active Citizenship resources
Make a Difference in a Day
The Make a Difference in a Day resource pack has been created for teachers who want to deliver a...
Climate Change
Learners explore what climate change is and what is causing it. They consider who is responsible for climate change: individuals, politicians, businesses? They are then challenged to think of a…
More KS2 (ages 7-11) resources
Inspirational People – Gandhi
This assembly is an introduction to the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Some of the themes that the assembly looks at can be further explored in the lessons: Inspirational…
In this lesson pupils will develop their understanding of the term ‘discrimination’. Pupils will consider what makes them unique and learn which characteristics are protected under the Equality Act. Pupils…
Raising Awareness
During this assembly pupils reflect on how social media can be an important platform for raising awareness of issues that are important to pupils through the example of Martha Payne’s school…