
Our trusted Impact Investment Partners make our work possible.

We are proud to work with a broad range of partners to deliver high-quality opportunities to equip young people for life in modern Britain. They work with us as key funders, thought partners, collaborators and delivery partners to see that Young Citizens can continue to grow alongside the needs of schools and young people.

To find out how you can get involved, get in touch with our Senior Partnerships and Fundraising Manager, Kirsty Robertson.

Current and recent Impact Investment Partners include:

The Bar Council  
British Council logo  The Circuits
dac beachcroft logo
Durham County Council
Geldards logo
Orp Foundation
Office of the Solicitor General The Law Society logo

Young Citizens is also a member of:


             Political and Media Literacy


To find out how you can get involved, get in touch with our Partnerships Manager, Kirsty Robertson.

We're currently updating our supporter pages for the 2024-25 academic year. Watch this space for new and exciting ways to support our work!

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Trusts and foundations

We are grateful for the support of the trusts and foundations that share our goal of helping young people take their place in a democratic society as active citizens.