
Certificate of Excellence from CAPA

For forty-five years CAPA has worked with institutions of higher education to build programs that meet their goals for learning abroad. They operate education centres in Global Cities and have developed distinct academic offerings, support frameworks, and oversight structures for our students and visiting faculty. Young Citizens is very fortunate to work closely with CAPA and as a result offers interns an unforgettable experience of learning within lots of our areas within our charity – from marketing, finance, programmes and education teams.

CAPA also like to recognise organisations that offer internships to their students. In December 2017 they hosted the CAPA Commencement Festival where students could nominate their host organisations for recognition. Students fill in a form discussing the range of responsibilities they are assigned, give any examples of outstanding mentoring and explain a one ‘stand out moment’ or highlight during their internship.

Our marketing team attended the Commencement Festival and we were awarded a Certificate of Excellence. Young Citizens loves being a part of CAPA’s network of organisations that take on interns regularly and look forward to working with more interns in the future to provide insights and experiences of the UK charity sector.