
All at Sea: a story about fairness and the rule of law

Explore the tale of the Merry Molly and its crew who find themselves shipwrecked on a desert island. How will they decide how to share their limited food? What will they do when they discover some hidden treasure? And how will they deal with their former Captain who treated them so badly when the ship was sailing?


During this lesson pupils use the story ‘All at Sea’ to explore how a group of citizens should organise a new society under a challenging set of circumstances. Each chapter includes a set of key questions which allows you to explore the arising issues as they occur. Key themes include: Fairness and justice; Democracy and…

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More Lessons resources

Lessons, Politics and Democracy, KS3 (ages 11-14)

What is a Political Party?

This resource pack is the fourth of a four-part set which has been designed to introduce students to the...

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS3 (ages 11-14)

Cyberbullying (SmartLaw Subscription)

According to research by the charity Ditch the Label, 7 in 10 young people have experienced cyberbullying, 20% of whom experience it daily. Support your students to know their legal…

Lessons, Sustainability and the Environment, KS2 (ages 7-11)

The G7 (Lesson Plan)

During this two lesson resource pupils learn about the G7 and take part in a mock G7 Summit meeting.   During the first lesson pupils explore the history and function…

More Community resources

Lessons, Social Action/Active Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Making a Difference From Home

Our packs support KS2 and KS3 pupils to plan and deliver their very own mini social action project. By...

Lessons, Diversity and Inclusion, KS2 (ages 7-11)


In this lesson pupils will develop an understanding of what is meant by the term ‘identity.’ They will explore their own sense of identity and share this with others, appreciating…

Lessons, Digital Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Using Technology for Good

In this lesson pupils will consider the multiple uses of technology and how technology can be used to solve problems. Pupils will be introduced to the example of Trevor Baylis,…

More Politics and Democracy resources

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS4 (ages 14-16)

Mock Trials Classroom Pack

The Mock Trial Competitions are our longest-running active citizenship experiences. Since 1991, we have provided unparalleled exposure to the...

Understanding Rules & The Law, KS3 (ages 11-14)

Sentencing Guidelines (SmartLaw Subscription)

This lesson asks students to consider the key findings of a harassment trial and conclude what sentence should be given to the guilty party. During the course of the lesson…

Lessons, Economics, Money and Managing Resources, KS3 (ages 11-14)

You Decide! (KS3)

This resource will allow students to critically consider what reasons and ways the government can take to support different...

More Understanding Rules & The Law resources

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS1 (ages 5-7)

The Big Legal Lesson 2025 (ages 5-11)

Join the UK's biggest legal education campaign during February 2025.

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS3 (ages 11-14)

Sentencing Myths (SmartLaw Subscription)

This short activity challenges young people’s perceptions of current sentencing guidelines. It can be run as a standalone activity or as an extension activity as part of a mock trial…

Lessons, Understanding Rules & The Law, KS2 (ages 7-11)

What Happens When Laws are Broken?

During this lesson pupils explore what happens when laws are broken, learn about the different types of sentences that are given and the main purposes of sentencing. Before taking part…

More KS2 (ages 7-11) resources

Lessons, Social Action/Active Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Being Part of a School Community

During this lesson pupils recap what we mean by the term active citizen. They consider what qualities and skills an active citizen should have and explore how these skills and…

Lessons, Relationships, KS2 (ages 7-11)

What is a Citizen?

In this lesson pupils will be encouraged to think of themselves as citizens with the potential to make a positive difference in society. The lesson opens with the traditional tale…

Lessons, Economics, Money and Managing Resources, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Why Do We Pay Taxes? (Part 1)

Pupils will learn that public services are largely funded through the payment of taxes to the government. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.