Through the story of ‘Tigger the football loving rabbit’ this assembly addresses children’s responsibilities towards pets and the happiness they can derive from relationships with animals.
More Assemblies resources
Inspirational People – Gandhi
This assembly is an introduction to the life and teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Some of the themes that the assembly looks at can be further explored in the lessons: Inspirational…
Litter: The Picnic (Assembly)
With the help of one of the Go-Givers puppets or a soft toy, this assembly highlights how the rubbish we discard can and spoil the environment and endanger wildlife. The…
Taking Responsibility (assembly)
During this assembly pupils consider what the word responsibility means. You can find the ‘Taking responsibility’ lesson plan on the KS1 lesson page. The PowerPoint for the lesson is the…
More Health and Wellbeing resources
What is an Infectious Disease?
In this lesson pupils consider how infections can spread rapidly through a population and are introduced to the different infectious agents that cause disease (bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasitic organisms).…
Resilience: Bouncing Back
This lesson helps children to develop resilience and consider how to respond to challenges in a positive way. The Go-Givers characters share their experiences of difficult situations and how they…
Healthy Eating
In this lesson pupils will learn about the importance of eating the right amounts of different food groups as part of a healthy lifestyle. Pupils will have the opportunity to…
More Relationships resources
My Community
During this lesson pupils consider what we mean by the word community and are challenged to think about all the different community groups they belong to and how it feels…
How Do You Feel Today?
Discussion about how to spot the signs that someone is physically unwell, and who to tell, and how to spot the signs that someone is emotionally unwell. Can the same…
Cyberbullying (SmartLaw Subscription)
According to research by the charity Ditch the Label, 7 in 10 young people have experienced cyberbullying, 20% of whom experience it daily. Support your students to know their legal…
More KS1 (ages 5-7) resources
Thinking Before you Act (certificate)
Our pupil certificates are linked to 12 ethos statements, such as We Think Before We Act. Each statement supports character development and the acquisition of key citizenship skills The values, skills…
Caring About Other People’s Feelings (certificate)
Our pupil certificates are linked to 12 ethos statements, such as We Care About How Others Feel. Each statement supports character development and the acquisition of key citizenship skills The values,…
We Bounce Back (poster)
When faced with challenges we keep on trying and learn from our mistakes. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.