
Climate Action: Using the Law to Drive Change

Climate change is, without doubt, one of the biggest challenges facing society but who is ultimately responsible for tackling it?

Use our free resources available to all UK secondary schools to explore with your students who should be held accountable for climate change and its effects and examine how the law is being used as a vehicle for change.


In 2021, COP26 was hosted in Glasgow. It was seen as a pivotal moment in tackling the global climate crisis. Help your students understand the impact the COP26 had and the key issues at play through our classroom resource.

Aimed at students in KS4 and 5 or S3-S6, this resource is designed to be run over a 1-2 hour period. Students are introduced to key pieces of environmental legislation and critically analyse what impact this legislation is having on tackling climate change now and in the future.

By the end of the lesson(s) students will be able to:

  • Analyse who is responsible for tackling climate change and who is responsible for addressing its effects;
  • Explain the key outcomes of a range of climate change related legislation and examine how these are being used to drive change;
  • Critically consider the role of the law in real life cases and explain how people are using the law to challenge decisions and instigate change.



This classroom resource was developed in partnership with and funded by the international law firm CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang LLP.

We would like to thank the staff and pupils at Balerno High School, Eastbank Academy, Maria Fidelis Catholic School and Mulberry School for Girls for their input during the piloting of this resource pack.

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