In this lesson pupils will be learning about cultural diversity in the UK and some of the historical factors that have contributed to the diversity of the UK population. Pupils will explore a range of cultures through learning activities and personal research.
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Let’s Get Active!
In this lesson pupils will think about the physical and mental benefits of exercise for health and wellbeing. They will learn about the importance of keeping active as part a…
Sentencing Myths (SmartLaw Subscription)
This short activity challenges young people’s perceptions of current sentencing guidelines. It can be run as a standalone activity or as an extension activity as part of a mock trial…
Digital Footprints
In this lesson, pupils explore what a digital footprint is. They consider what is and isn’t appropriate to share online thinking about the impact of this information both now and…
More Community resources
My Community
During this lesson pupils consider what we mean by the word community and are challenged to think about all the different community groups they belong to and how it feels…
Brexit: Part 1 – Referendum
Pupils will be given a brief introduction to the European Union. They will learn about why people’s opinions about the EU are divided and the results of the EU referendum.…
All at Sea: a story about fairness and the rule of law
During this lesson pupils use the story ‘All at Sea’ to explore how a group of citizens should organise a new society under a challenging set of circumstances. Each chapter…
More Diversity and Inclusion resources
Martin Luther King: Sacrificing All for the Dream
This lesson looks at discrimination against African Americans in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement and how Martin Luther King achieved change through peaceful…
Getting to Know You
In this lesson pupils will share their likes and dislikes as well as what makes them special. Activities provide lots of opportunities for pupils to learn about their classmates and…
Inspirational People – Nelson Mandela
This assembly is an introduction to the life and work of Nelson Mandela. You may like to run it in conjunction with the lesson ‘Inspirational People.’ To access this content,…
More KS2 (ages 7-11) resources
What is a Charity?
Pupils learn about the reasons why charities are created. They will be introduced to the main features of a charity and have the opportunity to research the work of a…
We Consider Other Viewpoints Before Making Up Our Minds (poster)
We speak our minds but also listen to and consider other people’s points of view. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.
The Internet: a Power for Good
In this lesson pupils consider how the internet can be a power for good and support active citizenship. Pupils explore a range of case studies before being challenged to identify…
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Online Opinions
During this lesson pupils explore why people see different results when searching for information online. Pupils find out about filter bubbles and consider what impact these have on peoples thoughts…