
My Community


During this lesson pupils consider what we mean by the word community and are challenged to think about all the different community groups they belong to and how it feels to belong to a community.

Pupils go on to explore a variety of different key roles within the community and the support they provide. The lesson concludes with pupils taking part in a scavenger hunt (either physical or virtual) where they discover the range of spaces and facilities available within their local community. 

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More Lessons resources

Lessons, Community, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Understanding Cancer

Many children in classrooms all around the country are dealing with cancer in one way or another at any given time. This lesson seeks to answer some of their questions…

Lessons, Social Action/Active Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)


In this lesson pupils will think about what home means to them through writing a poem inspired by the line ‘Home is where the heart is’. They will consider the…

Lessons, Social Action/Active Citizenship, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Difficult Decisions

Over a series of short sessions, pupils will have the opportunity to consider simple social and moral dilemmas which may arise in day to day life. Pupils will be encouraged…

More Community resources

Lessons, Politics and Democracy, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Democracy (Part 2): Local and Central Government

This lesson forms the second part of a three-part unit on democracy. Pupils learn about the function of central and local government and the difference between MPs and councillors. Pupils explore…

Lessons, Sustainability and the Environment, KS4 (ages 14-16)

Climate Action – Using the Law to Drive Change

In 2021, COP26 was hosted in Glasgow. It was seen as a pivotal moment in tackling the global climate...

Lessons, Social Action/Active Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Being Part of a School Community

During this lesson pupils recap what we mean by the term active citizen. They consider what qualities and skills an active citizen should have and explore how these skills and…

More Diversity and Inclusion resources

Lessons, Social Action/Active Citizenship, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Martin Luther King: Sacrificing All for the Dream

This lesson looks at discrimination against African Americans in the United States during the 1950s and 1960s, the Civil Rights Movement and how Martin Luther King achieved change through peaceful…

Lessons, Diversity and Inclusion, KS2 (ages 7-11)


In this lesson pupils will gain an understanding of the term ‘migration’ and some of the reasons why people migrate. They will consider the benefits of migration for a country…

Lessons, Community, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Design a Community Centre

In this lesson pupils will consider the varying needs and interests of a range of fictional characters and design a community centre and activity programme that matches their requirements.  …

More Relationships resources

Assemblies, Community, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Belonging to Groups

This assembly asks children to think about the groups they belong to, and how groups can be used for good or bad. It includes ideas for demonstrating how we can…

Lessons, Community, KS1 (ages 5-7)

Chicken Soup

In this lesson pupils will read a tale adapted from Jewish folklore that explores the theme of sharing. Pupils will reflect on the behaviour of the characters and consider how…

Lessons, Diversity and Inclusion, KS1 (ages 5-7)

The Two Brothers

In this lesson pupils will read a tale adapted from Egyptian legend which tells of the love and care which two brothers showed for each other. In discussion, pupils will…

More KS2 (ages 7-11) resources

Lessons, Sustainability and the Environment, KS2 (ages 7-11)

The Value of Trees

This lesson is one of a collection which examine environmental issues.  In this lesson pupils will learn about the role trees play in supporting life on Earth and their importance…

Student Tools, KS2 (ages 7-11)

How to Search the Internet

Do you keep getting the wrong websites coming up when you search for information on the internet? How can you make your searches more accurate so you quickly find what…

Lessons, KS2 (ages 7-11)

Home Learning Pack

This home-learning pack has been designed to support SMSC, Citizenship and PSHE learning within a home environment. All the activities described have been taken from Go-Givers resources and adapted to…