During this lesson children explore the environmental effects of plastic pollution by carrying out a number of experiments. They then go on to consider how they can take action against plastic pollution.
More Lessons resources
Why Do We Have Rules?
In this lesson pupils will think about the purpose of rules by reflecting on what life might be like without them. Pupils will discuss different types of rules in the…
Caring for our Communities
In this lesson pupils will think about the importance of caring for their community and the varied caring responsibilities which are held by members of the community. They will identify…
Learning About the Law (SmartLaw Subscription)
This lesson gives students an introduction to the legal system in the UK. During the lesson students will examine the roles of the various professionals involved in the law and…
More Social Action/Active Citizenship resources
Raising Awareness
During this assembly pupils reflect on how social media can be an important platform for raising awareness of issues that are important to pupils through the example of Martha Payne’s school…
The G7 (Lesson Plan)
During this two lesson resource pupils learn about the G7 and take part in a mock G7 Summit meeting. During the first lesson pupils explore the history and function…
Inspirational People – Nelson Mandela
This assembly is an introduction to the life and work of Nelson Mandela. You may like to run it in conjunction with the lesson ‘Inspirational People.’ To access this content,…
More Sustainability and the Environment resources
The Value of Trees
This lesson is one of a collection which examine environmental issues. In this lesson pupils will learn about the role trees play in supporting life on Earth and their importance…
Litter: The Picnic (Assembly)
With the help of one of the Go-Givers puppets or a soft toy, this assembly highlights how the rubbish we discard can and spoil the environment and endanger wildlife. The…
World Female Ranger Day (KS1 Assembly)
During this assembly pupils will learn about World Female Ranger Day. Pupils will explore where the continent of Africa is and learn about its unique wildlife, and why it needs…
More KS1 (ages 5-7) resources
Taking Responsibility (assembly)
During this assembly pupils consider what the word responsibility means. You can find the ‘Taking responsibility’ lesson plan on the KS1 lesson page. The PowerPoint for the lesson is the…
Who Can Help?
In this lesson pupils will learn about the ‘special’ people who help in their community. They will consider who can help them in different situations and how they can ask…
The Two Brothers
In this lesson pupils will read a tale adapted from Egyptian legend which tells of the love and care which two brothers showed for each other. In discussion, pupils will…