During this assembly pupils consider what the word responsibility means.
You can find the ‘Taking responsibility’ lesson plan on the KS1 lesson page. The PowerPoint for the lesson is the same as this assembly. The lesson plan includes a number of follow-up activities you can carry out
in class.
More Assemblies resources
Preparing for the Future
In this assembly pupils consider the benefits of preparing for events in the future. To identify events we can prepare for and the helpful actions we can take in advance.…
How Do You Feel Today?
Discussion about how to spot the signs that someone is physically unwell, and who to tell, and how to spot the signs that someone is emotionally unwell. Can the same…
The Big Legal Lesson 2025 (ages 5-11)
Join the UK's biggest legal education campaign during February 2025.
More Community resources
The Golden Statue
In this lesson pupils will read an adapted version of a Buddhist legend that encourages them to reflect on how the generosity with which a gift is given is more…
Citizenship: a privilege or a right?
Students research what the law says about the rights of individuals to become UK citizens and critically examine whether...
Using Technology for Good
In this lesson pupils will consider the multiple uses of technology and how technology can be used to solve problems. Pupils will be introduced to the example of Trevor Baylis,…
More Understanding Rules & The Law resources
In this lesson pupils will develop their understanding of the term ‘discrimination’. Pupils will consider what makes them unique and learn which characteristics are protected under the Equality Act. Pupils…
Magna Carta
During this lessons pupils will look at the history of the Magna Carta and consider how it has helped shape the laws we have today. Pupils consider what ‘fairness’…
Sexting and the Law (SmartLaw Subscription)
This lesson explores what the law says in relation to the sending of sexually explicit images by those aged under 18. The lesson examines two scenarios of young people involved…
More KS1 (ages 5-7) resources
We Stand up for Others (poster)
We are always willing to help others and to speak up for people who struggle to make their voices heard. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.
Exploring Our Community
In this lesson pupils will research what is meant by the word ‘community’. Pupils will think about who lives in their area and what services and facilities there are for…
Taking Responsibility
This lesson is based around the clever traditional poem about four children named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. It introduces children to the idea of taking responsibility in the context…