In this short, 15 minute activity students use all they have learnt from earlier lessons to complete a quiz all about the economy.
Before delivering this activity, students will need to have covered the learning from the following resources:
More Lessons resources
An Introduction to Discrimination Law (SmartLaw Subscription)
This lesson looks at the history of anti-discrimination law, the different types of discrimination (i.e. direct and indirect discrimination) and how the law deals with discrimination. It can be delivered…
Online Opinions
During this lesson pupils explore why people see different results when searching for information online. Pupils find out about filter bubbles and consider what impact these have on peoples thoughts…
Democracy (Part 3): Why Do We Have Laws?
This lesson forms the final part of a three-part unit on democracy. Pupils learn about democracy and the rule of law. They discover the different roles of parliament, government and…
More Economics, Money and Managing Resources resources
COVID and the Economy
During this session, students will critically examine some of the key economic considerations of the pandemic. They will explore...
What is Tax?
During this lesson, students will look at the purpose and collection of taxes. They will explore how public services...
Be Your Own Councillor
Students examine ways in which a fictional town council could spend its budget. They consider the concerns of different...
More Politics and Democracy resources
Children’s Rights
In this lesson pupils will learn that there are specific rights for children which are set out in the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child. Pupils will…
Democracy (Part 1): What is a General Election?
This lesson forms the first part of a three-part unit on Democracy. Pupils explore the meaning of ‘democracy’, and the ways in which citizens can participate in democratic life in…
Climate Action: Circular Economies
During this lesson students explore how the economy can be used to support climate action and create a more...
More KS3 (ages 11-14) resources
Consumer Law (SmartLaw Subscription)
This lesson explores the law concerning buying and selling goods and services highlighting what their rights and responsibilities are as a consumer. The lesson gives students the opportunity to practice…
How to share learning with your peers
Originally designed to be a companion pack for the Democracy Ambassadors programme, this handy toolkit will support students who...
Local and Central Government
This resource pack is the third of a four-part set which has been designed to introduce students to the...