When faced with challenges we keep on trying and learn from our mistakes.
More Class Posters resources
We are Change-Makers (poster)
We stand up for what we believe in and use our voice for good. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.
We Explore the World Around Us (poster)
We are open to new ideas and are always curious. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.
We Work as a Team (poster)
We recognise and celebrate each other’s skills and talents. We can achieve more when we work together. To access this content, register for our School Subscription.
More Health and Wellbeing resources
Let’s Get Active!
In this lesson pupils will think about the physical and mental benefits of exercise for health and wellbeing. They will learn about the importance of keeping active as part a…
Caring for Pets (Assembly)
Through the story of ‘Tigger the football loving rabbit’ this assembly addresses children’s responsibilities towards pets and the happiness they can derive from relationships with animals. To access this content,…
The Gift of Hope
During this assembly pupils are told the ancient Greek myth, Pandora’s Box. Pupils use the story to reflect on how hope can sustain us through difficult times. To access this content,…
More KS1 (ages 5-7) resources
Plastic Pollution (KS1)
During this lesson children explore the environmental effects of plastic pollution by carrying out a number of experiments. They then go on to consider how they can take action against…
Taking Responsibility
This lesson is based around the clever traditional poem about four children named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. It introduces children to the idea of taking responsibility in the context…
Keeping Safe At Home
In this lesson pupils will spot potential risks in the home. They will learn how they can help adults to keep them safe by reporting problems and keeping the home…
More KS2 (ages 7-11) resources
Where do you Stand?
Over a series of short sessions, pupils will have the opportunity to consider topical issues related to their school life. Pupils will consider the strength of arguments for and against…
Conflict: Part 1 – Reacting to Conflict
In this lesson pupils will take part in discussions relating to situations of conflict. Pupils will consider actions which provoke conflict and actions which can help to calm conflict. They…
Understanding Cancer
Many children in classrooms all around the country are dealing with cancer in one way or another at any given time. This lesson seeks to answer some of their questions…