Volunteer to deliver The Big Legal Lesson in a local school

Help us start a conversation about the law in schools

The Big Legal Lesson is back! Since 2020, our annual campaign has seen 200,000 young people across England and Wales engage in a conversation about the law and their human rights.

This year, we’re inviting legal professionals and law students to deliver The Big Legal Lesson in a local primary school, secondary school or college.

We will provide a volunteer toolkit with guidance on how to set up and deliver a session using our ready-made resource packs.

Register your interest now

N.B. This is a self-directed programme in which volunteers book sessions with local schools directly. Guidance is provided in the volunteer toolkit.

This was rewarding and eye-opening. It gave me faith that we have amazing and intelligent young people who are keen to learn, think about their lives and those of others and understand their influence in the community.

Volunteer, The Big Legal Lesson 2023

Why volunteer?

This engaging volunteering opportunity is a great way for you to support young people to learn about the law and the ways it impacts their everyday life.

Our resources are designed to be interactive and hugely enjoyable for all participants. They increase young people’s knowledge, helping them to gain key skills like debating and team working whilst raising their aspirations.

The activities are suitable for children and young people aged 5 to 18, so you could work with primary schools, secondary schools or sixth-form colleges.

100% of volunteers said they would recommend it to a colleague.

Register to take part

Are you an organisation looking for partnership opportunities? Why not run a legal workshop with a school?

As part of this year’s campaign, we have created a Legal Workshop version that will work in the same format as our current corporate volunteer sessions.

Over 2.5 hours, volunteers work with small groups of young people, aged 11-18, to run breakout activities specially designed to encourage debate and discussion.

We can help connect your firm to a school and facilitate a session either at your offices or in a classroom.

Contact Kirsty Robertson to discuss partnership opportunities: kirsty.robertson@youngcitizens.org



Thank you to international law firm Mishcon de Reya for being our national sponsor again in 2024 and allowing us to offer The Big Legal Lesson to schools for free.

Further thanks to our education partners The Law Society for their continued support in helping us deliver legal education resources for young people across the UK.

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